Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Paper Plate Award Ideas?


A little bit of pride fills my deepest interior, because today is our day, the day of my beautiful homeland EXTREMADURA, happy to express my views as Extremadura, feel proud of who I am and to take up the most land inospito if necessary my background ... Tierra de conquistadores, by nature, wrestlers, simplicity. There is no greater
identifying feature for us that our openness, our grace and of course how to receive the "outsider" because in my country one always feels welcome. Food, culture, history and what is most important advance, advance who labor every 1,105,481 people that make up this community because we deserve to be recognized for what they are and why we were but also what we will get to be a land of explorers and earth to discover ... leaving gaping to anyone who deigns to tread our soil, leaving surprised and not at all indifferent to all visitors with the wrong opinion.
Natural Park, Teatro Romano de Mérida, Badajoz Alcazaba Arab, Conjunto monumental de Cáceres ... and an endless list of places to which the most precious treasure hunters would like to take this opportunity to catch

invite you to leave you captivated by our corners, to discover sensations never felt, a drunken of our flavorings, to leave you this little souvenir to bring that great feeling of comfort await you with open arms in E EXTR MA DURA

Friday, September 3, 2010

Juice That People With Cholesterol Can Drink

September! U.S.

Month, month of return, month month month hated ... SEPTEMBER observations to the routine, alarm clock screaming in unison during the dawn, racing to get to the bus, breakfast frustrated by a "no no no nooooo , Gad, I've fallen asleep llegooo No! " smell of new books, smell of coffee, the smell of burnt bread ... In short, it ended peacefully. Classes begin in a few days, replacing those wonderful mornings when a trumpet or next to your ear you despeetaría, replacing those afternoons of swimming underwater in deep tranquility. Premiering

new design for this new phase, and estrando design course for you. Carrying books on my shoulders in a few days and getting up early like me so little I like it. Summer is going though our climate, since then my beloved city of Badajoz, refuses to confirm.

Be good and see you again soon