Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Antenna Satellie Recipes


we advance the story because the very Juanra of Moonpalace Records and tells in his blog . The next October 15 will be released hopefully first EP Vedette II. For you who follow the blog goes without saying that this is the personal project of Carlos Cuevas, who sings and plays the instruments most clearly, though, yes, well surrounded by his friends, among which are part of his fellow Mercromina and Travolta, Joaquin Pascual, José Manuel Mora and Ana Biscuit . On the record "Happy Dogs 2005-2010" and we are ahead the theme "Hypnosis other hope" that is not included in this EP. A few details we can give you more, but will be released mid-month in Moonpalace seal, and these days Juanra immersed himself in the work of preparing the records and the final artwork. Who may know Moonpalace editions you will know what I'm talking about the most careful and painstaking development of a disk on a small scale and with the greatest affection possible evidence that is made with real passion for music and artist.
Today it has been presented the topic "procession" on the blog-Moonpalace Juanra and you can listen and enjoy.
more details shortly, both on the web seal Records Moonpalace as Happy Dogs from where we celebrate the real surprise for everyone and we encourage you to do with the disc because certainly deserves it and will have to talk. Blog


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