Monday, December 27, 2010

Manual Solutiot Financial Accounting Libby


The next January 21 will be held at Albacete live presentation Honky Tonky Sánchez with full band. Among those who will are most of those who collaborated on "The Hurt Locker", including Jose Manuel Mora, Carlos Cuevas, Joaquin Pascual, Isabel Carlos Leon and Flan. It also announced participation in the concert Javier Gallego, "Carne Cruda (Radio 3).

will be in the Auditorium of the Universidad Popular de Albacete (C / Cardenal Tavera and Araoz, s / n) at 20:00 hours and free admission. A treat not to be missed.

This December you can see the criticism of "The Hurt Locker" in Rockdelux.

In February, the 5th, will be with Pony Bravo 12ymedio of the Board Murcia.
Rest peacefully listening

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gay Pickup Spots In North Jersey

Everyone has problems, more or less fat, but so are ours and only account we know the real reasons.
is not always easy to see a hope among all the chaos, it seems that will never come ... But in the end there is always something to grip, a small raft that saves us from the strong currents. We just have to find a way to relive that time, the dead earth to bloom in the twig and believe again on another occasion.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ankle Trick To Get Period

I need / I needed you

Yesterday I felt that I needed ...
was a strange feeling that could only turn off if you knew, if I spoke with you ...
We can not manage without calling certain feelings that come in mysterious to us and remind us of who we are and who we need. We have to get to that point where we about to head to realize that person you really need, and I realized. For as much that happens, we know what many things and feelings can not pass away so quickly.

Yesterday I felt that I needed ...
I wanted by my side for a long time and although it is still early, I say that because I do not care whether or not I have you, do not fight for it.
I'm very tired and as the facts are subtracting, adding ever ...
So this concludes with a smile or a dispute and I do not really tell you what I prefer ... only that I do not like to see.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Black Rosary Beads Worn By Gangs


Vedette Second, that buzz of insights in the shelter of the bathroom mirror, the picturesque moment sills often also arise in the study of work and even walking down the street Gaona. Sound Mercro is accompanying me. On those songs around the house. Is Carlos Cuevas who sings, who has composed the, but it suits me as Joaquín Pascual Fernando Alfaro maker or even squeezing. No, perhaps beyond: Stuart Ashton Staples of Tindersticks and Eric Gaffney of Sebadoh. Songs straight out of a Hangover (Everything I do coal), nihilists they, too intimate. Nick Cave, Tom Waitts, Serge Gainsbourg. As loving make a confession that sound like nudity and therefore the perplexity of the game is not expected: the artist's head down, brooding and the listener just arrived in the cafeteria. The guitar ripped the limit of tune, the hollow voice of the last liquor and swollen under teclados.Tiempo, there is still time. Time to show we still have tiempo.Carlos Cuevas, Pascual as before, as recently Honky Tonky Sánchez, José Manuel Mora and tomorrow and Burritos, has been pulled into the pit, where they await the lions that they crave lambs. They are, because their worlds are not those of these beasts. His spiral is not only deteriorates but enriched. It is art that takes the form of making songs. For them personally, that you clap for everyone to enjoy this second Vedette who keep following the greeting.
Juan Angel Fernández

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pelvic Pain When I Sneeze


here Vote for "Paul Borell" as best song of the 2010 national MundoPop web.

I already said that "The Hurt Locker" is without doubt one of the albums of the year. This month features prominently in Rockdelux critical.

And do not forget to check out the great article Fernando Fuentes Baker on "The Hurt Locker" for the newspaper La Tribuna de Albacete. Blog