Friday, December 10, 2010

Ankle Trick To Get Period

I need / I needed you

Yesterday I felt that I needed ...
was a strange feeling that could only turn off if you knew, if I spoke with you ...
We can not manage without calling certain feelings that come in mysterious to us and remind us of who we are and who we need. We have to get to that point where we about to head to realize that person you really need, and I realized. For as much that happens, we know what many things and feelings can not pass away so quickly.

Yesterday I felt that I needed ...
I wanted by my side for a long time and although it is still early, I say that because I do not care whether or not I have you, do not fight for it.
I'm very tired and as the facts are subtracting, adding ever ...
So this concludes with a smile or a dispute and I do not really tell you what I prefer ... only that I do not like to see.


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