Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bugatti W16 Engine How It Works

Chaos, anguish and mental confusion dish served cold!

Hello! I empizo to engage in these new worlds blogger (That sounded geek at that) And just to tell you about that if I am in a state of HARMONY , somewhat disturbed but can be considered as such .. . but calm, not for long! ...
More and more responsibilities on my back, I have burned school, post-holiday syndrome and a few more gifts and so on ... All these things complement one of my wonderful days in which no time to think about the dream you have, as far that hurts the throat, wish certain things to a teacher than another, and also if possible to carry out this task so much we love STUDY (For cortitos of mind a great irony!) and ENT nothing tomorrow, see how I go that perforation of the eardrum and tell you that my next post I will talk about that world so familiar yet strange far away ... yes yes this world ... was? ah yes! LOVE ... One of the mainstays of life in my opinion, so all people. Until the next day!



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