Friday, February 25, 2011

Diverticulitis Shrimp

Webcomic, gif sexy witch (Contest illustrator) and International Competition Illustrated Album prize of 8,000 euros (said fast XDD)

Webcomic, illustrated album contest ... this post is rather long.
this week I've had plenty to do besides a good constipated with a sore throat that just as well XDD glad I write and not speak. So forgive the delay this week I updated a little less than normal. To compensate for this will be a little long this post as I have to talk about various things and of course a great contest and I was so happy to find.

follow the order of the title of this post so I will start by the Webcomic , be ready for March, not that day but as you can see there is not much. I told you to Rickgoldman not overwhelm, the important thing is that it is well made that the poor also going to have to explain this and be updated as it is the first time I have in my hands a website, well I'll have but I can jejje I have already hired advance both the domain and hosting, bone this is serious. Ire and giving more details ;-) little by little while you can go into Rick's website if you want to see the little things you do, it's a great designer and has a sense of humor ... and you will see when you visit their work, do not arepentireis:

Here I want to show the sexy witch and sure many will know, it turns out that a good friend of mine , Jose has come up with cheer, and I've been surprised to see it, it seems that this really magical flying on her broom! that you have to click to enlarge it and see how it moves :-) I hope you like it as much as me. Of course here you also the web designer Jose, ah that envy I also want to know design, I'll have to learn ^ ^

give click the image to larger view and in motion ^. ^

Now the competition, the bases are in English and English. The contest for illustrated such Library Garn insular Canaria.Rules in Inglés and English:

This link above will see the foundations completas.Pero leave a brief summary here;
* can participate people of any nationality but the work should be presented only in English.
* The theme is free and there is time until April 23, 2011
prizes: one prize of 8,500 euros (imagine that gross) by way of advance of the author and a special prize of 2000 euros for an author residing or born in the Canary Islands.
The book is published by Eldelvives within a period not exceeding 1 year.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Malyin Monroe Piercing

"From the skin of the devil" is the title the next album, in gestation, Honky Tonky Sánchez, and this issue takes us forward an acoustic with Julio Guillen, you can see in this video .

In this link you can read a recent interview in Mondosonoro.

here you can see how it sounded "Paul Borell" on 5 February in microsounds Festival in Murcia.

We were waiting for their next concert on April 14 in Room Velouria, Albacete. Blog

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Does Denise Milani Have Fake Boobs?

Longing to fly! Shattered glass

had always wanted to fly, or at least was our motto.
never failed us want to jump over all those heads sitting waiting, as if they intended to come through that door that neither you nor I wanted to go.

never understand you when you do not want to follow the road, when you question why ...
When they bring that life can be a thousand different ways.

We were tired of being happy we try to keep believing that we could decide on a selection and choosing chewed and purified, filtered and worked, which were however different options, fate was to be the same.

Peace of my eyes was the reassuring you that we no longer look at you ...
Because we're both in this game

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mccullough Weed Diagrams

18 Comic Contest Torrelavega City

Holas, back with another contest that I found out there, not long ago that began the year and already are a few not bad, I will put all I am. But before I make a parenthesis to thank all of you who have voted in the poll and to keep voting, thank you from my heart.
It is final and I'm going to get into Webcomic that soon will be made for the month of March, three comics so far: one is in full color with shojo tokes and possibly "Mary the witch " which is a comic I started some time ago and I'm picking up, the other will be "We're not dead " (We're not dead) going zombies but hurtful and gore or scenes which have endowed much action, romanticisco, intrigue and even humor and last but not least " Karma" which will be the last to join because I have to make some changes for the better course. This site will be updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday without fail so I hope you like it is in the process and tell you more details soon ;-) You can see a bit of this and I'll upload the comics from my other blog where you will see the 3 full pages of comics : http
: / / /

Well now if the contest:

18 º Comic Contest Torrelavega City Stories here and there

* may, to this young contests between 14 and 35 years and non-professionals in the sector
* The theme is free and must be presented A 3 format with a margin of 3 cm on each side and semi-rigid support.
* It can occur in both original (but does not specify whether it should be printed) and CD to resolution 300 and also to A3 size to 29.7 x 42 bone
pages * The minimum is 4 and the maximum 6

The delivery time will be between 2 March and 20 April (at 14:00 pm is the deadline so eat before you know XDDD), 2011


First prize 1,100 euros (the winner will have to do the poster design next year)
Second prize $ 500 Third prize

200 euros Special prize of 400 euros for the best comic set in the town of Torrelavega

page that takes you to The complete and the registration form: & view = category & layout = blog & id = 56 & Itemid = 81

Other competitions where you can participate:

* Kodansha International Competition (Until July 31, 2011)

* Standard International Manga Competition (until August 29, 2011)

* international comic contest Luis Molina (until June 30, 2011)
http: / /

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pretty Women Polo Scene Dress


According Muzikalia and tells us we could know through a comment on the blog, Joaquín Pascual prepares a tour ahead of what will be his next album called "La Frontera", after editing summer.
's marathon tour, which will go through the following capital in just over a week:

March 24 - Toledo (Board Rogue)
March 25 - Zamora (Room Berlin)
March 26 - Oviedo (The Old Station)
March 27 - Madrid (Fotomatón
March 29 - Sevilla (Room Obbie)
March 30 - Granada (Loop Bar)
March 31 - Elche (B-Side Pop Bar)
April 1 - Valencia (Electropura)
April 2 - Barcelona (Catwalk)

apart from the opportunity to see live musicians to one of the most comprehensive and essential that currently populate the national scene, has to the surprise of those who purchase tickets in advance will receive as a gift an exclusive edition for the tour of a CD with two tracks ahead of the new acoustic demo disk in eight of the demos of the songs that came out of its acclaimed "The pace of events" (2010).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jock Itch Scrotum Pitcures


is what I feel when observing the surrounding society and feel on my skin what it produces. Turn on the television and attentive listening and respect both parents wander into nothing because they took what they wanted most, his own creation, her daughter ... As three people, without courage, without courage, without even adjectives describing them, keep looking straight ahead as if they were unpunished, as if to feel guilty of anything. Notar embarrassed by the news that surround us and see how we , humans themselves, we are employed to destroy and damage every day as precious to us, our lives. That's when the extreme helplessness takes over my making me really see that I can not play God, I can not lie hunger, avoid these gruesome murders, the suffering of many, these serious attacks our nature, yes, that feeds us and allows us to survive, see how all is wasting away every day to extreme lengths. Hypocrisy, crying, screaming without a voice, stories that do not count ... All this becomes more harsh and cruel to remember that we talk about people, about us. Lords

the world crumbles, and we look the other way ... the society we do, the news too ... entocnes we contribute to make the evening news we all want to see.

One is none. One we are many.


Friday, February 11, 2011

How Long Till Syphilis Shows In Blood Test

! Firework

have to pick carefully pieces of glass when we break it, because if we are remains tapped.

Sometimes the difficulty of not knowing history is broken, where it appears diamond instead of glass and sometimes it's a total mistake.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patricia Kimberliamerican

comics.Para contests that no one would pass

comic contests, collecting ^ ^. Weee I'm here playing with the input, "so that no one would pass" for people entering new to the blog I notice that in this post do a summary of the contests in which you can participate and so we should not kill yourself looking all over the blog that is a roll ;-) Well there I go and good luck @ friend s my @ s

; ; There is little time for the following competitions

IV INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR PICTURE ALBUMS "Compostela" (Until February 28!) 01/iv-premio-internacional-album-ilustrado.html

Portugalete Comic Contest (until March 4, 2011) -right-of-author-y.html
International Competition
comic / international comic contest (until March 15, 2011) contestconcurso.html

COMIC ACUP XII Contest 2011 (until March 21, 2011)

ganorabako comic contest (Until March 31, 2011)

; ; Is a good time but we must not rest on their laurels ^ ^

International Competition of Kodansha Manga (until July 31, 2011) -manga-contest-kodansha.html

international comic contest Luis Molina (until June 30, 2011) -luis.html

International Manga Competition Norma Editorial (until August 29, 2011)

III International Graphic Novel Prize "Drawing between cultures" (until October 5, 2011) html

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Word An Invite For School Meeting


Burrito Panza (Carlos Cuevas, José Manuel Mora and Carlos Flan), have already finished recording their first album. Edu on the album Ferre (The Stoichkovs, Campbell) Joaquín Pascual, Luis Jaén (percussionist who participated in several albums Mercromina and "Istochnikov" of Is), Carlos Sanchez and Isabel León including choirs on various subjects. The disc, entitled "Alone and in bad company" will be released with the stamp Wrong Genius late March-early April, and is chosen as the first single from "Your Wild Side", which is preparing a video and other topics as "The Last City" and "Climate Change." A cover charge is Ana Cuevas, responsible among other works of various covers of Surfin 'Bichos as "sibling" and and the tribute album Surfin 'Bichos "Family Album II."

The disc tracklist is as follows:

1 The last city
2 Your wild side
3 Never break 4 Roof
6 The rules of evil
Climate Change
8 In that place
9 The
10 Only odd and bad company
11 Homecoming
12 Things I forgot

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dental Student Cover Letter

III Graphic Novel International Award 'Drawing of cultures'

another contest, this time in graphic novel that you may see I look variadito ^ ^ ah by the way they contract! so not bad. I'll upload more competitions of this kind to be found so stay tuned. By the way if anyone wants to follow this blog besides me by blogger also can follow the Art Devian so if you have no account there you will have to be visiting the blog every few minutes to see if I upgrade if announcing that since there ire all updates in the journal, you only have to add me and you will be instantly informed each time you put a contest ;-)

Well Here it goes: * You can

engage any person, regardless of nationality or place of residence
* Work can be in color or black and white
* The item must be set in the Mediterranean either in their present, future or history
* No need to send the original, always a good quality copy or digital formats
* Must present a project of 10 fully completed pages along with a synopsis of at least two pages, including title, number of pages entension
etc. * The site will be between 96 and 124 pages and the winner will sign a contract with the publisher Byzantium Travel Editions is committed to have it done at the date of October 1, 2012

Important, because I know I will write preguntandomelo. NO you need to send the finished work, you have to send is at least the first 10 full pages but the addition indiqueis synopsis where data such as the title, chapters you have and how many pages you have (to choose between the 96 and 124 )
work already completed it will ask the winner / ra and the contract will tell you everything.

The deadline for submission of draft the October 5, 2011 and the winning entry will be released on November 2011

Awards (copy and paste)
The author or authors of the winning entry will receive a cash prize of 1,000 euros, subject to current taxes and signed a publishing contract, worth EUR 6500.00 , subject to current taxes, with the Fundación Tres Culturas.
The work will be published by Editions Journey to Byzantium, Byzantium being Journey Editions and Fundación Tres Culturas co-editors of the same, being Travel Byzantium also responsible for the distribution, which will nationally and with whom the author signed a publishing contract.

The link to the complete documentation:

Good luck to everyone s

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nice Words To Put On Wedding Card


This next Saturday February 5 will be performing in the Room "12ymedio (Avenida Ciclista Mariano Rojas, 12) Murcia, Honky Tonky Sanchez, along with bands and Radia Clara Pony Bravo in programming of microsounds 2011.
So if you're around, you know that you should have a cercarte. Absolutely recommended .....
Photo: Emilio Fernández