Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dental Student Cover Letter

III Graphic Novel International Award 'Drawing of cultures'

another contest, this time in graphic novel that you may see I look variadito ^ ^ ah by the way they contract! so not bad. I'll upload more competitions of this kind to be found so stay tuned. By the way if anyone wants to follow this blog besides me by blogger also can follow the Art Devian so if you have no account there you will have to be visiting the blog every few minutes to see if I upgrade if announcing that since there ire all updates in the journal, you only have to add me and you will be instantly informed each time you put a contest ;-)

Well Here it goes: * You can

engage any person, regardless of nationality or place of residence
* Work can be in color or black and white
* The item must be set in the Mediterranean either in their present, future or history
* No need to send the original, always a good quality copy or digital formats
* Must present a project of 10 fully completed pages along with a synopsis of at least two pages, including title, number of pages entension
etc. * The site will be between 96 and 124 pages and the winner will sign a contract with the publisher Byzantium Travel Editions is committed to have it done at the date of October 1, 2012

Important, because I know I will write preguntandomelo. NO you need to send the finished work, you have to send is at least the first 10 full pages but the addition indiqueis synopsis where data such as the title, chapters you have and how many pages you have (to choose between the 96 and 124 )
work already completed it will ask the winner / ra and the contract will tell you everything.

The deadline for submission of draft the October 5, 2011 and the winning entry will be released on November 2011

Awards (copy and paste)
The author or authors of the winning entry will receive a cash prize of 1,000 euros, subject to current taxes and signed a publishing contract, worth EUR 6500.00 , subject to current taxes, with the FundaciĆ³n Tres Culturas.
The work will be published by Editions Journey to Byzantium, Byzantium being Journey Editions and FundaciĆ³n Tres Culturas co-editors of the same, being Travel Byzantium also responsible for the distribution, which will nationally and with whom the author signed a publishing contract.

The link to the complete documentation:

Good luck to everyone s


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