Friday, February 25, 2011

Diverticulitis Shrimp

Webcomic, gif sexy witch (Contest illustrator) and International Competition Illustrated Album prize of 8,000 euros (said fast XDD)

Webcomic, illustrated album contest ... this post is rather long.
this week I've had plenty to do besides a good constipated with a sore throat that just as well XDD glad I write and not speak. So forgive the delay this week I updated a little less than normal. To compensate for this will be a little long this post as I have to talk about various things and of course a great contest and I was so happy to find.

follow the order of the title of this post so I will start by the Webcomic , be ready for March, not that day but as you can see there is not much. I told you to Rickgoldman not overwhelm, the important thing is that it is well made that the poor also going to have to explain this and be updated as it is the first time I have in my hands a website, well I'll have but I can jejje I have already hired advance both the domain and hosting, bone this is serious. Ire and giving more details ;-) little by little while you can go into Rick's website if you want to see the little things you do, it's a great designer and has a sense of humor ... and you will see when you visit their work, do not arepentireis:

Here I want to show the sexy witch and sure many will know, it turns out that a good friend of mine , Jose has come up with cheer, and I've been surprised to see it, it seems that this really magical flying on her broom! that you have to click to enlarge it and see how it moves :-) I hope you like it as much as me. Of course here you also the web designer Jose, ah that envy I also want to know design, I'll have to learn ^ ^

give click the image to larger view and in motion ^. ^

Now the competition, the bases are in English and English. The contest for illustrated such Library Garn insular Canaria.Rules in Inglés and English:

This link above will see the foundations completas.Pero leave a brief summary here;
* can participate people of any nationality but the work should be presented only in English.
* The theme is free and there is time until April 23, 2011
prizes: one prize of 8,500 euros (imagine that gross) by way of advance of the author and a special prize of 2000 euros for an author residing or born in the Canary Islands.
The book is published by Eldelvives within a period not exceeding 1 year.


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