Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best Haircolor For Rosacea

II International Award comic

; 2 nd prize comic International Badalona City

Before a brief overview about the contest and give the link of the bases, just wanted to comment that this blog is not going to stop giving information about contests but it On the contrary, the July 7 fulfills 5 Years! so will fulfill many more and not let anyone shot, I never thought of close or switch to another theme, which comment on the previous post was, in short, I wanted to add something extra that will cover the gaps in the days when not to put contest entries, I mean nothing will ^ ^ just wanted to clear doubts.
In short I'm going to organize the putting blog Tabs distributed more or less like this: "Comic Competitions 2011", another will put "Tips ".... I believe this to be more comfortable for all readers of the blog and not miss looking for tickets and stuff .

Well now if Feliz San Jorge in Alcoy parties (my country) and Barcelona san Jordy and happy Easter ^ ^

Bases summary of the contest:

* You can join any person from any country who is of age.
* can participate in both amateur and professional authors
* There will be a prize of 3,000 euros gross
* must be present 10 comic strips in black and white that have links in common, like the characters, theme, whether the strips if they continue or are autoconclusivas (although I imagine that the last strip should not you get in below)
* There should never have submitted the work partially or entirely in paper and web, blog etc. (and I who wanted to submit my comic strips Zombi Humor TT)
* Languages that are accepted are: Catalan, Castilian, English, French.
* The deadline is September 15, 2011 but before you must register and fill out a registration is free, you will see on the bases.

Bases: C3% B2mic2011.pdf

Good luck! ^ - ^ I

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does Safeway Make Custom Cakes

I Badalona City Comic Contest Kultur Komikia Post

Kultur Komikia Comic Contest.
I finally found another contest, I have been a bit absent from the blog. I've been thinking that just like having a blog contest sometimes is a bit like that, abandonadillo for several days, and I can find a contest or two a week but every day is so hard I thought about putting a section of anime series with their trailer and are not those things, I put a poll, so that you decide yourself that you would like to know more stuff. To give you an example if the anime would be something like every post:

need you to know that I will continue putting contest as always, that will not change or advice or anything, all the same but eguira open a tab on the blog with another topic for you do not run several consecutive days without updating but the blog does not change, will be the same: - )

Well wherever he went, I found an interesting contest:

Comic Contest I Komikia Kultur

Here are the rules and regulations of cocnurso when bases this newsletter you will see that you open the PDF and is in Euskera I think, do not worry and follow down that if that is in ^ English to participate must complete a subscription sheet that is in the same page. # comments

The contest rules clearly specify that its purpose is to inform artists and published as Novice which is not bad.

more contests soon :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 Days Late Period Like Cramps And Green Bm

Spring, alters blood .... Sunday

Spring, which speeds the heart by increasing your heartbeat, offsetting reason.

impossible to control this show of emotions that are born in to be given away for no reason whatsoever , but now it is spring.

Blood buying a ticket three months for a never-ending roller coaster. feelings do you see everything upside down, dizzy, and put in place. Walking through the grass and feel breathing pure than ever.

Stop ...

looking ahead, eager to share this spring, which comes late ...

Desire to make your desert bloom

Defect of your obligations

Forcing your mouth releasing a smile

that mine is prohibited

Forbidden for you

You are doing my spring

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Numbness On Outer Led Above Knee

Astromancer - Love Of Lesbian

"If your magic and does not make me effect ... how can I continue? "

Beautiful song, but better video, fantastic ...

allows you to transport you to places you've been and relive experiences

I love the way they do

Friday, April 1, 2011

Recommendations Brazilian Wax Montreal


Dicen que Fernando Alfaro nos entregará en unos días uno de los mejores discos de su carrera. Y ya es decir. Hay indicadores claros, como “Extintor de infiernos” que hacen arriesgar poco a los así lo afirman, por que, sin duda, es de lo mejorcito escrito nunca por Alfaro y algunos lo sabemos desde septiembre de 2009 cuando la presentó en “Habitación 237”, aquel montaje sobre la obra de Kubrick. It is true that four years of fallow "Carnevisión" (for the undersigned and considered in its entirety, one of the disks of lower weight by Alfaro never published) would bear fruit. And after a difficult phase, it grows. "Life is strange and bizarre" , Alfaro title already put forward in November 2010 in an interview on Radio Catalunya, is chosen. And at first may sound strange. Now, as usual, we hope this coming week, after the disc edition vinyl and CD on Monday April 11 , not a few promotional events. Namely: the participation Tuesday, April 5 in "Interviews Acoustic" of "It All Starts Today" and "Digital Encounters" on Radio 3 (you can throw your question here ), the Wednesday, April 6 at the Festival in Cosmopoetica Cordoba (with Malcolm Scarpa and others), and finishing the week, Thursday, 7 April with "Concerts on Radio 3" ( send an email to putting the "case" you want to attend to it, 50 people selected ). Long time since we saw a display Promotional well, perhaps from ten years ago with "The day of oil" (probably the roof of his career), a fact we all rejoice and hope to bear fruit.

The eleven tracks totaling nearly 50 minutes of the disc are:

1 - "hell fire extinguisher." 2 - "Hawaiian Shirt force." 3 - Heroes rotten. " 4 - "phantom limb pain." 5 - "Gol psychological." 6 - "Telephone hit." 7 - "The last crooner." 8 - "A long trip over." 9 - "Son of a bitch." 10 - "Hymn kamikaze Walker." 11 - "No Coverage."

Currently, extracts of each topic which are scattered across multiple servers digital sales and progress of "A long journey, long", "Gol psychological," "Heroes rotten" and "Hawaiian Shirt force "(The latter can listen on myspace Marxophone seal), which has been delivering dosed Radio 3 in recent weeks are evidence of a great album, which will be discussed in a few days.

addition, you can book your ticket to the first performances of the album in Madrid, 14 May the sun room, and Valencia, on 19 May at Club Loco. More information and reservations here