Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does Safeway Make Custom Cakes

I Badalona City Comic Contest Kultur Komikia Post

Kultur Komikia Comic Contest. I finally found another contest, I have been a bit absent from the blog. I've been thinking that just like having a blog contest sometimes is a bit like that, abandonadillo for several days, and I can find a contest or two a week but every day is so hard I thought about putting a section of anime series with their trailer and are not those things, I put a poll, so that you decide yourself that you would like to know more stuff. To give you an example if the anime would be something like every post:

need you to know that I will continue putting contest as always, that will not change or advice or anything, all the same but eguira open a tab on the blog with another topic for you do not run several consecutive days without updating but the blog does not change, will be the same: - )

Well wherever he went, I found an interesting contest:

Comic Contest I Komikia Kultur

Here are the rules and regulations of cocnurso when bases this newsletter you will see that you open the PDF and is in Euskera I think, do not worry and follow down that if that is in ^ English to participate must complete a subscription sheet that is in the same page. # comments

The contest rules clearly specify that its purpose is to inform artists and published as Novice which is not bad.

more contests soon :-)


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