Sunday, May 24, 2009

What To Do For An 8 Month Old With Chest Cough

Nostalgia, melancholy and stress ... Sixteen

That title more rare to start a blog right ...? But I think that is a mixture strange feelings that now roam my body. Weeks where the sun does not shine my skin or a poor second, in my view no will hit beyond the wall of my room, a cluster of situations sometimes makes ... explode! Well That's Life! as they say, although I must admit I hate enough to use that expression because it is as if you settle for what is, without thinking that things could be otherwise ... Sometimes I am a bit maverick, but people haha. .. NOBODY IS PERFECT The hours pass, days pass and my most faithful friend is being textbooks, afraid to say so but all they would need to sleep with me ...

Two weeks I was in Madrid two weeks when I stopped watching "those fronted" two weeks in the memory of all those little people is present every second, but I have good news for me and I think for people who will touch this topic somewhere ... We're going to Gran Canaria (Las Palmas) a week without parents and many, many times to come: D Other goals for this summer is expected to pass as clean as possible of course, to visit Madrid again and spend the weekend with little people, going to Paris which is in project and make a trip to another LMA my

Psdt: murphy's law was not met, the pizza fell face up

feel that today's text is not extremely deep but my brain is too saturao and inspiration is my strong today.


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