Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dropped My Dog And He

For all that we have ...

... to spend together, time and thousands of things that still lie ahead ...

One day you leave Gran Canaria , a melancholy that invades me ... mixed with nostalgia and a continual fear ... on his way to Madrid just over a month and a half mounted on a Talgo I thought ... I find these typical silly ... I was wrong and much also found people with a heart inmenso con una forma de ser inigualable y con una sensatez que pocas veces había visto... y nada aquello se acabó ( Como todo lo que empiza ) y yo dije una frase que pensaba cumplir me costase lo que me costase... "Esos caretos los pienso ver más veces" y con un hasta pronto me despedí... Y así fue, allí en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria me encontré despues de ese tiempo de esa corta pero a la vez larga espera... viendo caras que las identificaba como si fueran de toda la vida ... los días han ido pasando a cada cual mejor, siempre con una perfecta compañía la de esos canaries have done everything and more to make us feel at home, and that struck me most of all that we were living was good roll, nor bad gestures and bad sides, a general welfare There are few times in a coexistence and more people in this age ... But such people so ... about to leave with tears in my eyes and with a background music that describes my feelings better than I could do it ... I remember that week goes through my head over and over again as if it were a movie, and I think empizan words left over so back has to say a SOON , and ask a small favor ... much it costs the least say to us that this is not cool ... for all this created, all these feelings that will not fly through the air to more distant ignored ... and certainly and clearly pronounce two words ...

I want ...



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