Sunday, December 13, 2009

Catchy Titles For Animal Abuse


I think I used that word in other entries ... but as if it were a boomerang back to me, after a weekend in Seville UNFORGETTABLE AMIGOS (Badajoz, many people, Sevilla, friends, metro, Cathedral, Giralda, hood, shopping, meeting with you, triana bridge, long long walk, Torre del Oro, Plaza of Spain, Nervión, farewell dinner, sleep, that m onths, English style, food, relax, farewell, Badajoz) summarizing it? haha and nothing after that adrenaline rush / joy comes great downward slope, kick the feeling that goes haunted for me from several days before, but at least this trip has given me the chance to unwind by day and a half .. . This feeling that creates a "run-run" in your head that keeps you up to not let you smile ... the run-round run that by me without knowing why, perhaps because of an accumulation of things, perhaps for reasons that even I know ... I need to cry without knowing that I need to run not knowing where ... What need? I do not know! perhaps some day be able to resolve the reason for this, because of my inner feelings that make me feel tied, stopped freedom, uncertain ... Perhaps behind this facade you see there is another world to know, talk is easy ... prove very difficult



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