Friday, March 26, 2010

Left Side Pain And Peeing Alot

you chiamo amore scuse ma ... Awakenings

The truth is I have no desire excessive des writing, but I like to transmit to you a little about my feelings or just that it diambula within me. They also say before I go I feel unable to update more often but I have nothing esque time, yes, This Easter I will see that the people that follow the blog finds you doing a little more informed about what I do. After this kind of "Brainstorm" I would start talking about a book I finished reading some days ago, and I think many of you have read. "Scuse ma you chiamo amore" or English "Forgive me if I call you love" is one of the few books that really made me dream, that made me lose sleep in order to advance as possible and I has brought shy smiles emerged from the depths of my heart. We all want things to be perfect, and as I do not think everyone likes to love, we like that tingling feeling inside, and what is more, enjoy this day by day next to the person you love. Is there anything I can bring those same feelings without meaning? I think not, yet if I'm wrong comment.

Vacation Finally!, Easter came and at least we can get a little respite from our routine lives, but not you, but I have to study hard these days, but I make time for everything. Enjoy my friends, watching movies, reading, ecprimir the functions of my computer as much as possible (More than I already do qe) haha, and of course try to tell you what I do day to day even briefly on the blog or if not in my VideoBlog through my channel You tube :

little more to say. Javier


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