Monday, January 31, 2011

Yugioh Gx Gameshark For Skip Week

IV international album prize and illustrated Kalandraka

Nothing, I just found this contest right now and I have not hesitated for a second upload. I have

hurry so I'll copy and paste directly to the bases, but before that it will advance the winner / ra will take a publishing contract with Kalandraka and which will pay 12,000 euros gross, about time until 28 February, leave the link with the bases as always end of this post:


The Department of Education of the City of Santiago de Compostela, in collaboration with Kalandraka, and within the framework of XI Promotion Campaign, Reading, announce the IV International Award 'COMPOSTELA' for Picture Books, with the following bases:

1. May Potar the IV International Award 'COMPOSTELA' for all works Illustrated albums that can be included in the category of picture books: a book in which the story is told through images and texts so that both are complementary.

2. Works can be submitted in any of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the Iberian Peninsula and must be original and unpublished. Shall not be those that are an original or adaptations of other works which have been awarded or mentioned in other competitions.

3. May involve one or more persons, authors of text and illustration of any nationality. Excludes staff Kalandraka.

4. Projects can be submitted in any size, technique and format, but the length should not exceed 40 inside pages (not including guards or covers).

5. The / The author / s for the prize must have:

- A finished model of the current project.
- Five copies of the text.
- Three original illustrations and five photocopies of each.

6. In the works will not show anywhere in the name of / the author / s, but a pseudonym. Personal data participants will be delivered in a sealed envelope on the outside indicque the title of the work and the slogan or sedónimo, and inside the complete name, address, telephone number, e-mail. Inside the envelope will also include a photocopy of identity card or passport and a brief biographical recession.

7. The papers will be sent or delivered in the General Register of the City of Santiago de Compostela (street of President Salvador Allende no. 4, 15705 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña. Spain). In the envelope specifying "IV International Award for Picture Books COMPOSTELA." Envelopes to be delivered through transportation agencies should not appear the names of the authors.

8. The original deadline opens with the publication of these bases and ends on February 28, 2011. The must be postmarked no later than the date of the last day of delivery. The jury's decision will be announced on April 1, 2011, coinciding with the International Day of Children's and Youth during the XI Promotion Campaign Reading organized by the municipality of Santiago de Compostela.

9. The jury will be composed of persons of recognized standing in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's literature and illustration. Act as secretary a person designated entities organizers. The award shall be declared void and the decision is final.

10. There is only one prize of € 12,000, as an advance by copyright. The expenditure approval is contingent on the existence of sufficient credit in the economic game budgets 32100.48901 2011. This award is subject to withholding income tax of natural persons 15%, as provided in Article 101.3 of Law 35/2006 of November 28, Income Tax of Individuals, or 24% for non-residents. The prize will not be effective until he / the author / a or / the authors will deliver the finished work for publication. The winning work is published in all official languages \u200b\u200bPeninsula (Galician, Catalan, Euskera, Castilian and Portuguese) by Kalandraka in October 2011, to that effect, signed the respective contracts issue. Also, the publisher has priority of publication of those works that have received special mention. This right shall be valid for one year, after which he or the author (or author / s) may make use of their works.

11. The / The author (or authors or) are committed to deliver the work topped by September 1 2011. El / La illustrator / a, must also agree to relaizar the rest of the illustrations of the work with the same technique and the same quality as those submitted to the contest.

12. Manuscripts not selected will be returned to the / the authors or their request, after the occurrence of the decision. The originals will be returned to the address shown in the sealed envelope with postage due. Transucrrido a month after the jury's verdict, the original is not claimed will be destroyed.

13. If these bases are still questions without, will be for the jury to establish that question and, if he did, the organization of the event. Participation in this contest implies knowledge and acceptance of these bases.

Swatches Blush Mousse Maybelline


In Moonpalace bandcamp of Records can hear the disc Complete Second Vedette, Carlos Cuevas personal project. Be sure to go through and listen to this gem, in addition to other releases of the label Juanra staff.
You can also buy the CD from there or from the link in the column of links on this blog. Blog

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Write Wedding Acceptance Card

! Silence

This song is super silly! but you really uplifting =)

Baby you're a firework! =)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Carburateur Tillotson Hr 133a

Compostela City Council Votes for survey and summary of the last contests

Go I miss
, had 34 votes in the poll and now there are only 19 or pajolera XDDD idea that happened, I attributed to a blogger error I guess. Anyway, nothing happens, I had noted, was thus: if

28 5 may not

These are actual votes that he had, anyway if you want to continue to vote or who had already voted it again to do because they have gone a good deal suddenly, thank you very much. It bastantisimo sure that if you go for your online web comic.

First of all here are more contests in which participation is total:

Kodansha's contest is two entries below, you only have to drop a bit and there you ever find ^ ^

The crash comic contest will find it here: / 01/concurso-de-comic-crash-2011.html

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cover Lasagna While Cooking?

Free? a saint of that, your pretty face? Kodansha International

As you see I made several changes to these days with the design of the blog but this will be the final which see everything clearer and better, so leave it alone I'll be changing the header pears grapes and little else, the former was very oscuron ^ ^ '

Note: Below this post is about the competition just in aalguien Kodansha

interested :-) Well as you can read the title of this post will post this, people who want the cartoonists, illustrators, designers give it all for free why? because they are worth it

XDDD I have so many anecdotes that would end not ever count them but I really wanted to share some on the blog because this is something that all or buenota the time most of us have been through Will not it? sure I'm not mistaken.

One thing to be separated from this is when someone works in a magazine, fanzine etc. for free, or do a webcomic in a community or your own and all that

Another thing is that you get into a small publishing house that beginning and know what there is, that's one thing, but out of it and go in steps:

Step 1 - An artist puts a notice on a bulletin board anucnio, forum etc. where people are offered to work.

For in this way about people who want everything for free is amazing XDD, worst of all, when you start not know and tease him as happened to me this anecdote that I will have but Apart from anecdotal want it tomarais as an example of doing that do not make that mistake I made. I'm going to headline, "As filthy rich at the expense of artists Rookies

turns out that I put one of these ads X time ago I wrote a company in Barcelona that tells me he likes my work and contact me by email, I to your website and see that this company exists. The company called me by phone and we agreed that I would do an illustration of test, I mean I'm not paid by the illustration but if I accept it will give me work every week. I happily do the illustration following all the steps, I sent the sketch according to what I am asked, I say that this brilliant and I start to ink and color, they are shipping and I say this very well that is what they wanted and call me by phone asking me another one but a large size, with a thousand details etc but this if you were to pay me because they pass the test. I make the sketch, all right, I killed the inking and coloring ( or say the hours that I took), then I give the original and did not return or write or call me so that I write, do not answer because I call and they say, is that your work is not as above (and I say of course not, this cost me much more to do) the question is to say, there is evidence if we had better test but it was .... Total

not as many people do it but I stayed 2 illustrations, one can use it and get money and I accepted by phone and in writing (by mail) if to the test and gave them, of course I did believe that would handle work. Unfortunately it is legal to stay and earn money from it. Timaron me, I am ashamed to say but so was and was a company with money. Then there

editorial also call you by phone and offer you the contract and crap, it happened to me, particularly in a polygon of Madrid, coming call and go to madrid and such and I was (but I was stupid!) I was stupid because I pay my train journey from Alicante and back and food and travel many hours to hand down there and the manager wanted to hire me but when talking to this editor said he wanted something that Disney and the manager type how is wanted manga posible que me hicierna ir para esto?

Otras empresas y editoriales me han llamado y escrito pidiendome ir a sus ciudades para presentarles proyectos etc y a todas les digo lo mismo ¿el billete de tren va por vuestra cuenta? si es No no voy, si es Si si voy.

ya quitando empresas y editoriales estan los tipicos, oh que bien dibujas, a ver cuando me haces una caricatura!! osea como si se lo debiera uno XDD heeee que yo tengo un alquiler que pagar, que mi hijo necesita libros para el cole. Pero una pregunta que me hago siempre ¿ Por que habra gente que piense que por dibujar uno se divierte tanto que todo debe de hacerlo gratis?  El fontanero cuando viene a casa hace su trabajo y me cobra un paston, el carnicero cuando I will buy, weigh the meat and charged me why the cartoonist, writer, designer must do it for free?

filed XDDD I'm sorry I had to do and had to share it with vosotr @ s fa and take care of these things.

Thanks for reading ^. ^ Top

Monday, January 24, 2011

Melanoma Cancer Ribbons

Honky Tonky SANCHEZ, AUDITORIUM Jose Saramago. ALBACETE (21.01.1911) HONKY

In just over 40 years and I have more or less frequent attendance to concerts since I can remember, I have rarely seen so much emotion on stage. Because technically one group can stand out from many others, but to convey the emotional factor, or do you play or not palpable. Not all succeed. Last Friday we attended a celebration concert, which is paradoxical that might be more a farewell to the first concert, concert, Honky Tonky offered Sánchez, after a few appearances on acoustic, alone, scattered points Spain. Set in a beautiful setting, with successful play of light, Carlos Sanchez began grateful. And is that a guy as charming as he can gather so many people-friends on stage, even as disparate, and transmit both to bring a packed auditorium, including corridors, standing giving thanks maybe not for the fantastic songs that are part of their debut "The Hurt Locker" and before we had heard, if not convey as much emotion and yes, hell, we love you Carlos, you've made a huge disk and you know and you have our heat. An unforgettable concert (the entry in Facebook are just a small sample) that for me, and perhaps for many, the least important were the songs, weighed more heat. All this without prejudice to "Paul Borell" soon entered but sounding great, and time between winds and more than accurate vocals on songs by Llanos and Isabel Leon, were flailing, Draws from friends as Kike Gonzalez, Billy Pagan José Manuel Mora, Carlos Flan, Edu Ferre, among others, the best moments of his album: "No peace when you're near me", "The impostor," "Hundreds of motorcycles roar", "The evil Mankievick" " Want chimeras, "The kidnapping of Luis Morales", "Winter cherry" with Rosendo Romero, a topic of his new project "From the skin of the devil" that already is brewing, to finish with a tremendous "Lucky Men" tremendous, (that great chorus) and give way to an encore with Javier Gallego (Carne Cruda, Radio 3, who had presented the show) on drums and the whole audience up singing. Only the great succeed. Test passed Carlos. A hug and good luck with the rest of the tour.
You can read the chronicle of the concert which Sub_urbia here and Juan Angel Fernández here.
I left two links to recent interviews and Muzikalia Truth.
Photo Jaime Carrion. Blog

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cartier Watch #20-61323

manga contest. International manga contest

in English for English see below for fa. In

Inglés: Hi all! ^ ^ I am very happy to announce on this blog contest the Kodansha manga ^ ^ The rules are in. Inglés, French, Italian, But Are Not English, I translated the rules in English and put it on this blog But to read Them Inglés and other languages \u200b\u200bin your dog visit this link:

In this link you can see Other contest: -contestconcurso.html
If you like webcomics
or please feel free to visit my other blog, I'm Preparing a webcomic with mini comic, illustrations and more.I hope you enjoy.

Good luck! ^. ^

--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

In English.

Now in English for that hehe ^ ^ I've found looking the network with the help of Kodansha. Oh well want to spend the link to my blog since I uploaded another page of comic Zombies, well you know it is not gory or anything but I hope you like it, has it all romantic and such stuff. For fiscal Vote in the poll and many thanks to all those who had voted and you are to vote, a big kiss to everyone s .

Here I leave the bases of the contest, I translated from English, my English is not perfect and I'm not going to lie, I helped a little google translator as well as revisadlas not have been English, not because ground because years ago if they were, but anyway. In the base makes it clear that the international conurso and accept all the works and also makes the work of you can write in English, Japanese or in your mother tongue, which it is understood that the English also.

The complete rules are here, please con reviseis review all too well, but my translation, I've done the best I know but just in case:

presented by Weekly Morning, Kodansha, Japan

all works accepted!
With a circulation of 350,000 copies, Weekly Morning with nearly 30 years is the most prominent weekly magazine Japanese adult comics. Is the house that has sheltered big hit titles as: Vagabond, Kami no Shizuku, The Silent Service, Say Hello to Black Jack, Gon, Chi's Sweet Home and Peepo Choo.Esta magazine is of great social significance in Japan since its first edition. Now, we have set our sights on the world stage, holding a large-scale competition determined to discover new talent worldwide.

Deadline: Entries must be sent by mail before July 31, 2011.

Prizes: First Grand Prize to be awarded in U.S. dollars: $ 3000 Second prize
also in U.S. dollars: $ 1000

addition, the work of the great prize will be published both in Morning as the most influential Japanese weekly magazine Adult comics: Morning 2, extra edition, or , the official website of the magazine and comics.

The winner will also grand prize will be assigned one of the best editors experienced by the Morning Journal, which will help in creating future work. (No But we do not ensure that a great prize will be awarded in all competitions.) * Note kimera ^ ^ here I mess up lyrics, I think that says it can declare any award in all competitions.

second prize winners will also be assigned an editor, and there is a possibility that your work is published in the magazine Morning, Morning 2 or .

Kinoko and Yovov Authors (Meng-Lin Yu), as well as previous winners of the award have been actively working on creating comics in Morning, with studies published in Morning 2 three times and once, respectively.

There is also a very real possibility that their works will be collected and published in volume format.
Our goal is to find artists like them, whose works will eventually be published in our journals, as well as volumes in Japan and around the world.

[1] Rules on the content of the presentations:
Entries must not exceed fifty pages, and should not have been published in a trade magazine or sold commercially in a volume published in any country.

[2] The rules for the illustration:
works should not be subject to any restriction on paper, drawing tools, or drawing materials.
Works will be accepted in black and white (However, if the present color and post it could switch to black and white) For reference, the level of Japanese comics are drawn on B4 paper with black ink on the size of with 270 mm x 180 mm.

can be submitted on CD-R or other digital storage media, but we request a printed copy must include with your data.
The text can be in your native language, English or Japanese, and should be composed or written in a clear and easily legible.

[3] The works will be awarded by the Jury of International Comic Morning

[4] Send work to: Kodansha Morning
MICC 12/02/1921
Otowa, Bunkyo-ku

Tokyo 112-8001 JAPAN

Works sent COD will not be accepted. Kimera * Note: this is not what the fuck is that of COD
Please be sure to include everything about you, your name, address, age, occupation, phone number, email address and CV / resumes.

paper will not be returned.
Please retain a copy of their work.

[5] Kodansha Ltd. will acquire the exclusive rights of publication in the magazine all the winning projects awards (whether for reward or secondary prizes), and the exclusive option to exercise the right to publish and / or operation of such presentations and independent book publisher websites, and the choice of all other secondary rights / subsidiaries for communications, said. Kodansha Ltd. will determine whether or not to exercise any of its previous rights and / or options under its sole and absolute discretion.

[6] must ensure that its work is completely original and his own creation, all content is correct and legal, and does not contain material that is harmful, libelous or defamatory, or material that would violate the right of everyone or entity of any nature. Shall compensate the damage Kodansha Ltd. may suffer as a result of any inconsistency with the above.
[7] The results will be announced at the official website of the morning around December 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

What To Clean Outside Of Travel Trailer With

Today my silence tells you more than my words ...
With this silence will be showing what I care about and you realize you like it or not. But I will fear, as always, to react, to take charge and be happy.

prefer to sit by the river and throw the cane from time to time and until you get something, and then returned to the water, you will not move from there.

percataré me everything and nothing.
I will realize that EVERYTHING you need and nothing you care.
that everything is a game and nothing gained.

As the title says keep silent and therefore today callus.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wedding Decorations Sunflowers

Kodansha Comic Contest Crash

Wenas ^ ^ another contest again, this is a bit limited because it is for ages 18 and 35 but I be putting more competitions I go to find and you know that I post almost always are for all ages, world etc so do not worry that you have to choose, while I leave the entrance where I collected the contests in which even you can participate:

; Comic Contest Crash 2011
* You can participate
people between 18 and 35
* allowed a maximum of 3 entries per either black and white or color
* The work must be submitted in a single page in A4 and digital formats 300 dpi JPG

Awards (copy and paste as is):

- First Prize, worth 500 €
- Second prize: € 400
- Third prize: € 300
- Award for Best Comic Alava, worth € 200 over the publication of comics in the comic book TMEO (TMEO number 113).

be awarded a special prize of 500 € for the best cartoon made by a woman in order to promote the field of comics in the work of creative women. There

time up to 14 hours a day, February 10, 2011 (has less than a month, but remember that only one page, you have no excuse; D)

This link will find the complete documentation:
                                                   Good luck to
tod @ s

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vintage Siphon How To Open

Tokyo ... Penguin Summer

would be great if a simple thought could move to any other site, where you have no reason to think about what happens here ... If only for a day ... a quiet day ... What else?

For example ... Are we going to Tokyo?


Hope to see you walk in the door with a ticket for me =)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Transfer Money Onto A Biolife Card

2011 Comic Competition "GANORABAKO" and several cosas.Comic Contest ...

In Inglés and USA: In this post you can see a comic contest ^ ^ Previous entry with comic contest in several languages:
http://quierosermangaka.blogspot. com/2011/01/international-comic-contestconcurso.html

My other blog. My other blog

Mini comic:

Comic Online (online webcomic soon Where You Can Read the comic with more comfort)

----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

thank you very much for voting in the poll, I have a comic online, well, rather a very complete web online comic, illustrations, mini comics etc. are appreciated so much the votes to see if it will be worth it though I am convinced that if ^ ^ Well here I leave the contest. Good luck!
; ;
comic contest "GANORABAKO"

* any person can join at any time without any limitation
* The subject matter and technique are free.
* The work will take up to 4 pages in A4 size or proportional to this
* There may be a black and white or color
* To be original work unless you have been treated with the computer printouts will be sent resolution of at least 300dpi (almost everyone including me XDD insurance)

; Awards (the copy as is):

following awards are established:
1, endowed with € 900.00 for the best work.
2 nd Prize: 450.00 €
3 rd Prize: 300.00 €

runners are set as follows:
Accésit author Euskera not prize: 300.00 €
Accésit the best non-winning local author: 300.00 €

The deadline is March 31, 2011

The link to the complete rules :

leave the link to the entry that collects other contests where you can participate as the Standard, etc: http:/

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Put On A Pantie

This penguin has invaded my room. But anyone not a penguin ...

In fact, although the person who gave it to me did not have this intention, every time I see him I'm glad. I'm glad because I remember the good friends I've saved for what I experienced. They are the usual, those who may know more about my life and I theirs.

are already many years and it does not matter the distance nor the time or other silly things, just some occasional meetings, secrets, laughter, memories ... and that's what I really stay.

There are so many memories, I could not stay with one and tell here and would be too get to tell everyone, I just hope that many more continue to live together.

My Body Stopped Tanning

Special Entry: Lidia and Rickgoldman ^ ^

Holas! I hope you have started the year to a good start and if not brave face and you will see that good things come because the positive energy to the positive calls
^ ^ Oh and I do not forget, as always thank you for the votes in the poll, for me means a lot so that from here a big hug to everyone s .

I have been darkly make a special entry per month or every so often, in principle each month. It is present in the blog for people who want to try and live on what he likes, like all of us.
this post I will release two good friends of mine, they are Lydia and Rickgoldman, Rick has no idea so well will want to kill me when he finds

XDD I want to make clear that anyone either starting or that publishing mail can write to me quietly for you posted on this blog, do not corteis because I will not post stuff just friends, if you do not know of anything because of course they will be available here, the blog is for everyone s .
This is my mail: kimera07 (at)
You have to send me a synopsis of the work published or is about to publish or project you're doing and all that information, a cover or low quality pic and link to your website , blog what you will, more than anything, something summed up on you and what you do so that you can learn more. Because word of mouth long and how much more people get to know better even people who are running because the editorial that the crisis There is little or nothing promoting their artists and a bit evil never comes :-)

Lidia, she is a friend of mine and both live in Alicante, I love her, we met through a boy named Michael, he wanted to make a type Shonen Jump magazine and we had "recruited" as artists, there was going to Crystal (Lydia) and Karma (mine) but with the advent of the crisis could not be, who knows if in some future reverting to that would be great idea and want to thank Michael has joined us. Continuing with Lydia, she's a fighter, dodging every stone on the road, get up again and again, a great cartoonist and writer also a writer because he has written short stories in several books, here you have your blog:
and now finally meets his dream The Hidden power. In his blog you will find many of his works and information on how to purchase your book which I recommend 100%

Rickgoldman: oh because I've known him most of my life lol seriously we are very good friends always say not as we knew it is long jejej muyyyyyyyyy. It a person with great fighting spirit, has a great humor and beautifully reflected in his work, a great graphic designer and a great person, here you have your website you will see how cool to me is that I love the design it is a Last:

And here one of his works published in Thursday Online: 2011/01/04/tierra_quemada.html

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Signs Male Scorpio Lost Interest

International International contest.Concurso comic comic

Holas, I leave out the rules here, are in several languages: Catalan, English and English
The deadline is March 15, 2011. The awards are among 250 euros and 750 euros. Good luck:

Hi all!, International Comic Contest, you can see the complete rules here, plow in Several languages: English, Catalan and Inglés , please search your language. The deadline is: 15 of march 2011.Awards: 250 euros to 750. Good luck

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Is A Good Nickname For The Name Holly

Start =) Hope

It's nice to start something.
Having a blank sheet to write as you want, even if you have an established theme, provided you can structure it to your liking.

By taking the first steps in a new stage of your life you discover feelings they had hidden there, in hidden nooks and over time you just used to it and you put on your list of regulars.

That makes you build your life, your way and that way many want to start more.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Toddler Warts Genitals

Happy New Year 2011! and the input that was playing for no one would pass a contest ^ ^

of heart
hope this year is very good for the world and that all projects and dreams come true, so to work very hard to get it who you know still get it. I uploaded a

new page of manga I'm making zombies, if you want to spend it on my other blog, by the way if anyone wants we can exchange links, notify me and I put in links to their blogs or websites, as recently I have it I have not linked to almost anyone so I would like to fill:

As I always make the same call, for fiscal Vote in the poll that is on the right of the blog, I tell you agradecere

lot ^ ^ Well, here is the entry and good luck to everyone s in competitions and in your projects and encourage:

Competitions ending soon:

III International Competition Artists for Peace (Ends January 10, 2011): -artistas.html

Competitions ending in March:

Portugalete Comic Contest 2011 (End of March 4, 2011): -author
Acup comic XII Contest (Ends March 21, 2011): . html

; Competitions ending in Summer:

IV international comic contest Luis Molina (End of June 30, 2011): -de-comic-luis.html

6 international edition of the manga of the editorial Norma (End of August 29, 2011): / 6-edition-of-Competition internacional.html