Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Body Stopped Tanning

Special Entry: Lidia and Rickgoldman ^ ^

Holas! I hope you have started the year to a good start and if not brave face and you will see that good things come because the positive energy to the positive calls
^ ^ Oh and I do not forget, as always thank you for the votes in the poll, for me means a lot so that from here a big hug to everyone s .

I have been darkly make a special entry per month or every so often, in principle each month. It is present in the blog for people who want to try and live on what he likes, like all of us.
this post I will release two good friends of mine, they are Lydia and Rickgoldman, Rick has no idea so well will want to kill me when he finds

XDD I want to make clear that anyone either starting or that publishing mail can write to me quietly for you posted on this blog, do not corteis because I will not post stuff just friends, if you do not know of anything because of course they will be available here, the blog is for everyone s .
This is my mail: kimera07 (at)
You have to send me a synopsis of the work published or is about to publish or project you're doing and all that information, a cover or low quality pic and link to your website , blog what you will, more than anything, something summed up on you and what you do so that you can learn more. Because word of mouth long and how much more people get to know better even people who are running because the editorial that the crisis There is little or nothing promoting their artists and a bit evil never comes :-)

Lidia, she is a friend of mine and both live in Alicante, I love her, we met through a boy named Michael, he wanted to make a type Shonen Jump magazine and we had "recruited" as artists, there was going to Crystal (Lydia) and Karma (mine) but with the advent of the crisis could not be, who knows if in some future reverting to that would be great idea and want to thank Michael has joined us. Continuing with Lydia, she's a fighter, dodging every stone on the road, get up again and again, a great cartoonist and writer also a writer because he has written short stories in several books, here you have your blog:
and now finally meets his dream The Hidden power. In his blog you will find many of his works and information on how to purchase your book which I recommend 100%

Rickgoldman: oh because I've known him most of my life lol seriously we are very good friends always say not as we knew it is long jejej muyyyyyyyyy. It a person with great fighting spirit, has a great humor and beautifully reflected in his work, a great graphic designer and a great person, here you have your website you will see how cool to me is that I love the design it is a Last:

And here one of his works published in Thursday Online: 2011/01/04/tierra_quemada.html


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