Monday, January 31, 2011

Yugioh Gx Gameshark For Skip Week

IV international album prize and illustrated Kalandraka

Nothing, I just found this contest right now and I have not hesitated for a second upload. I have

hurry so I'll copy and paste directly to the bases, but before that it will advance the winner / ra will take a publishing contract with Kalandraka and which will pay 12,000 euros gross, about time until 28 February, leave the link with the bases as always end of this post:


The Department of Education of the City of Santiago de Compostela, in collaboration with Kalandraka, and within the framework of XI Promotion Campaign, Reading, announce the IV International Award 'COMPOSTELA' for Picture Books, with the following bases:

1. May Potar the IV International Award 'COMPOSTELA' for all works Illustrated albums that can be included in the category of picture books: a book in which the story is told through images and texts so that both are complementary.

2. Works can be submitted in any of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the Iberian Peninsula and must be original and unpublished. Shall not be those that are an original or adaptations of other works which have been awarded or mentioned in other competitions.

3. May involve one or more persons, authors of text and illustration of any nationality. Excludes staff Kalandraka.

4. Projects can be submitted in any size, technique and format, but the length should not exceed 40 inside pages (not including guards or covers).

5. The / The author / s for the prize must have:

- A finished model of the current project.
- Five copies of the text.
- Three original illustrations and five photocopies of each.

6. In the works will not show anywhere in the name of / the author / s, but a pseudonym. Personal data participants will be delivered in a sealed envelope on the outside indicque the title of the work and the slogan or sedónimo, and inside the complete name, address, telephone number, e-mail. Inside the envelope will also include a photocopy of identity card or passport and a brief biographical recession.

7. The papers will be sent or delivered in the General Register of the City of Santiago de Compostela (street of President Salvador Allende no. 4, 15705 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña. Spain). In the envelope specifying "IV International Award for Picture Books COMPOSTELA." Envelopes to be delivered through transportation agencies should not appear the names of the authors.

8. The original deadline opens with the publication of these bases and ends on February 28, 2011. The must be postmarked no later than the date of the last day of delivery. The jury's decision will be announced on April 1, 2011, coinciding with the International Day of Children's and Youth during the XI Promotion Campaign Reading organized by the municipality of Santiago de Compostela.

9. The jury will be composed of persons of recognized standing in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's literature and illustration. Act as secretary a person designated entities organizers. The award shall be declared void and the decision is final.

10. There is only one prize of € 12,000, as an advance by copyright. The expenditure approval is contingent on the existence of sufficient credit in the economic game budgets 32100.48901 2011. This award is subject to withholding income tax of natural persons 15%, as provided in Article 101.3 of Law 35/2006 of November 28, Income Tax of Individuals, or 24% for non-residents. The prize will not be effective until he / the author / a or / the authors will deliver the finished work for publication. The winning work is published in all official languages \u200b\u200bPeninsula (Galician, Catalan, Euskera, Castilian and Portuguese) by Kalandraka in October 2011, to that effect, signed the respective contracts issue. Also, the publisher has priority of publication of those works that have received special mention. This right shall be valid for one year, after which he or the author (or author / s) may make use of their works.

11. The / The author (or authors or) are committed to deliver the work topped by September 1 2011. El / La illustrator / a, must also agree to relaizar the rest of the illustrations of the work with the same technique and the same quality as those submitted to the contest.

12. Manuscripts not selected will be returned to the / the authors or their request, after the occurrence of the decision. The originals will be returned to the address shown in the sealed envelope with postage due. Transucrrido a month after the jury's verdict, the original is not claimed will be destroyed.

13. If these bases are still questions without, will be for the jury to establish that question and, if he did, the organization of the event. Participation in this contest implies knowledge and acceptance of these bases.


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