Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cover Lasagna While Cooking?

Free? a saint of that, your pretty face? Kodansha International

As you see I made several changes to these days with the design of the blog but this will be the final which see everything clearer and better, so leave it alone I'll be changing the header pears grapes and little else, the former was very oscuron ^ ^ '

Note: Below this post is about the competition just in aalguien Kodansha

interested :-) Well as you can read the title of this post will post this, people who want the cartoonists, illustrators, designers give it all for free why? because they are worth it

XDDD I have so many anecdotes that would end not ever count them but I really wanted to share some on the blog because this is something that all or buenota the time most of us have been through Will not it? sure I'm not mistaken.

One thing to be separated from this is when someone works in a magazine, fanzine etc. for free, or do a webcomic in a community or your own and all that

Another thing is that you get into a small publishing house that beginning and know what there is, that's one thing, but out of it and go in steps:

Step 1 - An artist puts a notice on a bulletin board anucnio, forum etc. where people are offered to work.

For in this way about people who want everything for free is amazing XDD, worst of all, when you start not know and tease him as happened to me this anecdote that I will have but Apart from anecdotal want it tomarais as an example of doing that do not make that mistake I made. I'm going to headline, "As filthy rich at the expense of artists Rookies

turns out that I put one of these ads X time ago I wrote a company in Barcelona that tells me he likes my work and contact me by email, I to your website and see that this company exists. The company called me by phone and we agreed that I would do an illustration of test, I mean I'm not paid by the illustration but if I accept it will give me work every week. I happily do the illustration following all the steps, I sent the sketch according to what I am asked, I say that this brilliant and I start to ink and color, they are shipping and I say this very well that is what they wanted and call me by phone asking me another one but a large size, with a thousand details etc but this if you were to pay me because they pass the test. I make the sketch, all right, I killed the inking and coloring ( or say the hours that I took), then I give the original and did not return or write or call me so that I write, do not answer because I call and they say, is that your work is not as above (and I say of course not, this cost me much more to do) the question is to say, there is evidence if we had better test but it was .... Total

not as many people do it but I stayed 2 illustrations, one can use it and get money and I accepted by phone and in writing (by mail) if to the test and gave them, of course I did believe that would handle work. Unfortunately it is legal to stay and earn money from it. Timaron me, I am ashamed to say but so was and was a company with money. Then there

editorial also call you by phone and offer you the contract and crap, it happened to me, particularly in a polygon of Madrid, coming call and go to madrid and such and I was (but I was stupid!) I was stupid because I pay my train journey from Alicante and back and food and travel many hours to hand down there and the manager wanted to hire me but when talking to this editor said he wanted something that Disney and the manager type how is wanted manga posible que me hicierna ir para esto?

Otras empresas y editoriales me han llamado y escrito pidiendome ir a sus ciudades para presentarles proyectos etc y a todas les digo lo mismo ¿el billete de tren va por vuestra cuenta? si es No no voy, si es Si si voy.

ya quitando empresas y editoriales estan los tipicos, oh que bien dibujas, a ver cuando me haces una caricatura!! osea como si se lo debiera uno XDD heeee que yo tengo un alquiler que pagar, que mi hijo necesita libros para el cole. Pero una pregunta que me hago siempre ¿ Por que habra gente que piense que por dibujar uno se divierte tanto que todo debe de hacerlo gratis?  El fontanero cuando viene a casa hace su trabajo y me cobra un paston, el carnicero cuando I will buy, weigh the meat and charged me why the cartoonist, writer, designer must do it for free?

filed XDDD I'm sorry I had to do and had to share it with vosotr @ s fa and take care of these things.

Thanks for reading ^. ^ Top


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