Thursday, March 31, 2011

Healing Time After Removal Of Cervical Polyp

Various forms of Third and last part ... XDD but continued as various forms of advertising

self-publishing of this post but it will soon .... I appreciate your

many e-mails asking for advice, as many in a short time more or less ire by saying all that to what you ask me in this post, so I can not answer by email one by one because I would not have time disculpade by fa ^ ^ Anyway I have no problem with that write me, I will be putting the tips in this blog and if you leave more questions you can write the blog and so the things I do not know for sure that more people write for help. Anyway there are many things I did not and still I have much to learn from what I can only give advice on what is and what I learned.

This entry I want to dedicate more than anything the issue of self-publishing that increasingly more people interested but first I want to answer a question that made me by email.
The truth is that interests many people so if you want to expose your questions, your comments, experiences, etc etc. I leave this post open for messages, I mean that I'll upload indefinitely depending on the success so encourage you not afraid to post all messages that you please and wish to obtain ^ - ^

The person who wrote me wanted advice on what to do, how to become a mangaka and fulfill his dream because he was starting on this and is a very young. Do not know if there is an answer to that but if you are studying or have a job my advice is to not throw you how crazy the pool if you are starting, by many illusion that you do and however much you promised to study the field before starting. There are lots of people working part time while working doing a manga publisher, to live alone because it must work for a publishing medium or large, this last great course. At first it is best practice and practice hard and be consistent, constructive criticism and further improvement, tutorials and everything necesiario to improve, my motto is, who still gets it :-)


I'm not an expert on this, because I've never self-published but surely I will do better than before, so I decided for self-publishing , later if you can give advice on this topic, because I will have some experience, I will provide at the moment.

There are many ways to do that I have chosen is up my sleeves on my site for free, you can see it here:

There are many ways thanks to the Internet, this digital book e-Book, there are also people who go up on your website or blog etc. PDF gives some people superbarato descaegar or ask for donations or even give it away, there is everything, one thing is clear is that the internet is affordable, easy to use and today is accessible to everyone.

then there's Lulu or Bubok among others, you can even engage with them as I have looked at the issue of ISBN

Another way is to find a good printer that is affordable, there are several online or near your house, it is always good and very improtant to compare and see what kind of paper or binding requirements for the work you've done and the result an affordable price so you do not give it to an expensive price to the people. Then you announce it on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, your blog, your website, your DA, all you have, the word of mouth and consistency is very important. If you are starting do not make a big run. You can also try selling it on e-bay for example. And if you go to a convention with shared stan is also a good way to promote themselves, is something I personally want to do in 2012 are only of advice

nothing more ^ ^

Remember that this post is open so you can put the messages you want.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Computer Fans Exhaust Grow

Part Two (and there will be a third) Various forms of publishing

These days more people have written me asking for advice of heart thank you very much, I'm getting stuff that is because I have lived and others that have happened to people close to me. I do not know all that but I will ofcourse jeej but if anything a little help you guide someone is something that makes me very happy. Thank you very much for following the blog and for being there. A big kiss to tod @ s .

There will be third for the next post ^ ^

; Alleged Agencies, Publishers and people who ask for much in return for little or nothing.
Well here are some more of advice, this in particular is something I've learned over time. That
you write an editorial, or similar Agency asking for a job is always something that excites us. It should be a little careful because sometimes it is difficult to distinguish if it is serious or someone will make you lose time for nothing. Before illusions is good to stop and think a while and lo and behold some of advice:

1 ° Note that not a shell company, osea visit their website and if you do not know Ask him the address, because today is not normal to have no one.

2 º Once you enter to your website or blog etc look at your Page Rank from this page for example, is the one I always use ^ ^:
; The Page Rank measures the success that you have a website or blog, if it gets a lot of people and is linked to more sites or if you left and did not know or your grandmother. I mean, if the P Rank age is 0 and you know that company's website is new because there is no doubt, it is normal if you have a few months has 0 but is 1 year onwards and has 0 is that thing is not going well, normal for a company is a minimum of 2 or 3
conclusion that if the web the company has more than one year and Page Rank is 0 or 1 there is reason to be suspicious and you can end up working for free or nearly free for what would need to know more about this company, that's my advice, do not judge but if you study more.

3 ° It is always good to ask for some forum or you can about this company where you write in or put your name in the search and to see what comes out, as views are great and that's great and you can still find bad reviews if the company has a bad reputation is to be careful.

Well this is just a few of advice to try to avoid falling into deception because it is something that hurts a lot and unfortunately and Now in times of crisis many people take advantage.
In a few days but the third part

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wholesale Cost Of Olive Oil


:-) I have already said several times that misses entries where he had some things or things that come to mind, tips and stuff as well ^ ^ here is this post, I hope you like it or at least someone will be something interesting or helpful.

As this blog is titled and this summer will fulfill the 5 years old (time flies) since here many times have I told my attempts to fulfill my dream. Having a bit of what was and what I experienced is something that will continue from time to time because there are people who ask me and many will guide you, and all that is good for readers I will continue, so to that I go.

In this post I will focus on the issue of Post first part, in the next post will continue with the second part of course ^ ^ :

publishers, about various types, be careful with some
As there are several ways, if you are starting or technical foul my advice is to let the editorial for later, for not going to hire you and you run the risk of any editorial DTP tell you what estupendisimo / a artist and author who you are and will offer you publish in exchange for pay X amount, some even asking 2,000 or 3,000 euros not fall into the trap that makes you look forward POST, keep Please carefully because you will end up paying an excess amount of money for a few examples that I can come home and you have to be devised to sell and that in no case will attain the amount you have spent.
This has never been me but I have offered many times and have rejected all and will continue.

Magazines and Fanzines
more is what I recommend you to be either amateur as consolidated authors, in collaboration fanzines always free or as long as you send a copy or you can buy copies at a price cost, which is great, plus you can request under your work or index not only include your name if not also your website or blog and so more people will know you, that's always good. The magazines
several types of collaboration, is the pay you some money for illustration, design, comic strip etc, which you paid for VIEWRES serves you some money selling them and which is unpaid, I mean it's completely free but ofcourse you promote well as Dene include your name and website or blog and magazines are often thrown considerable always so not bad.

collaborations I've been involved with both free and in magazines and fanzines have had very good experience. Sometimes it costs a bit to find a magazine and such but look good in Google, or Yahoo, or Bing, some do not put magazines seek seeking collaboration but if you find that you have content you do you can always find an email from and write them. The you have not already ;-) so without fear

Both are curriculum and is good to progress and learn to comply with dates delivery and many things I have learned a lot about it.

Well you know I always put myself in this blog the best I find, they are international, that does not usually have age limits, the awards are always economical, offering publishing contract.
competitions are a great way to practice, to learn a lot and win some contract, second prize, something money. Vale know it's difficult, often difficult, because you do not have to sign you kill them all, one or two a year are encouraged to create a new project that can always win but not serve in the future, there is also exhibiting at Internet competitions physical or many works in galleries. My advice is that if you write down to anyone do your best and you know, with that I've won, you think you superando.No be the winner, if you win great if not a lot of people think they are and it is a challenge.

In the next into the second half *-*

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pokemon Snap Not Work Sixtyforce

For no one would pass and some things caricatura.Cartoon

First of all just wanted to tell you that the web already available , is designed by Rickgoldman who has done a great job making this web . You know that I'll upload pages several times a week, I hope you like it, it's easy and comfortable navigating it, you can see here:

April 1 also blog about movies and films, soon I start to make entries on live action films as the films of Ganz, Dead Note, Saikano and many more in case anyone interested:

And finally we are here for that special entry to anyone it happens, the competitions which are still right here:

* Contest Mutants comic walkers (until 15 April)

* International Cartoon Contest. Cartoon Contest (until 17 April)
* Album Contest (until April 23, 2011):

* international comic contest Luis Molina (until June 30, 2011)

* Kodansha International Competition (until July 31, 2011)

* Standard International Manga Competition (until August 29, 2011)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brampton Orion Gate How Much Does It Cost

Be careful what you take ... Goldfish

Twelve years ago, Britney Spears took the biggest selling album of his entire discography. She would be about seventeen and I do not know what I had in store for the future.

Time passes and we see a bald Britney and without control, their children hanging by a thread and life passed through the worst.

What happened to her?
What did you have?

Still, released an album in that condition and was the least sold, anyway had enough sales to consider it a good return. Sometimes I think that whatever you do, everyone will say, I like;)

Time went by and take what it takes, we have noticed that people are going to win, no matter as it is ... Sometimes even their interests.

pillbox Now she makes music that is very cool, and I guess they do not eat anything weird, it only provides music to those who consume.

Everything went well, triumphed when she was a virgin when she was bald drug addict and when she sings at parties pill ...

So what we have to be careful what you take, or end the better the future that will present?

Hahaha ... Who knows!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Get Tilt In Your Lacrosse Helmet

International Competition Competition Competition

; ; Editorial Cartoon competition 2011 Global

Dead line: April 17, 2011
First place winners in Each category will Receive $ 1000
Second place winners In Each category will Receive $ 500
Third place winners in Each category will Receive $ 300

Guidelines: I found

an interesting contest, I leave here, I put a brief summary and bases as ever.
; International Cartoon Contest 2011

* You can participate who wants no age limit * May
amateur and professional artists involved.
* The text if you carry can be in English but must submit a translation into English
* You can send printed or digital form, there are several sizes that you can choose, look good foundation for you to choose what best ^ ^ come

* $ 1000 first prize
* second * third
$ 500 $ 300

The deadline is April 17, 2011
http://www.cipe .org / cartoon / index.html
luck to everyone !!!!!!!! s

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mandatory Overtime In Philippines


already informed you in Joaquin Pascual past dates of the topics presented this finalized for the next album, called "La Frontera", edited in the last stretch of 2011, on various dates:

Thursday 24 March in Toledo (Room Rogue)
Friday, 25 March Zamora (Room Berlin)
Saturday 26 March in Oviedo (The Old Station)
http : / / /
Sunday 27 March in Madrid (Fotomatón)
Tuesday 29 March Sevilla (Room Obbie)
Wednesday 30 March in Granada (Loop Bar & Records)
Thursday 31 March in Elche (B-Side Pop Bar)
Friday 1 April in Valencia (Electropura)
Saturday, April 2 in Barcelona (Catwalk) + Wiggum (acoustic)

Click on the link to the city you want to go to see your ticket and receive a CD with two new songs and eight demos of "The pace of events."
What we know of "Boundary" is what Joaquin himself has commented on this interview Jenesaispop recently conducted and the following statement: "It's like going to call the next record I have in mind. The songs speak of the life we \u200b\u200blive with others and to live alone. I have written many songs, "A hot pace," "The reaction," What really matters, "Nice things," "The outlook," "Indifferent", "Romantic", "The closest thing to a demon", "Three Lives and three borders", "Seeking envy cold and heat, "" The spectator "and some more that are still as born. I'll be playing these songs for a few days in different cities, in a minimal format, guitar and vocals, as they are now. Then I record them. That's why I want now to touch others, take me quite some time alone, and play them on a concert for the first time, it's like you start to really listen.
All that you come to these concerts, so they are important to me, I give away an album [limited edition pre-sale only] I believe most of my disc discography and is called "Approaching the border, which is made for this moment, for these dates only. On the album, 10 Songs: 8 demo versions of "The pace of events," which I recorded at home with Ana Biscuit, and collaborations with Jose Maria Castillo and Carlos Cuevas of Travolta. Some, very different from the original. The other day I was listening to the disc and select hallucinating about how different they could be. Will be "Every day I have an accident", "A penalty shirt", "A man like the others," "Secondary Roads" She hit me "," Playing hide and seek, "" Strolling "," old curmudgeon " and "The earth movement." In addition, as an approach to La Frontera, there will be two demo songs that someday will be part of my new album, and will listen to the show. "

Plus, see this video promo tour , with one of the unreleased tracks in the background. Blog

Footprint And Angel Wing Tattoos

Mutants comics

Mutants comic Competition Riders

I just found this contest, these days I could not look far because I've been with a cold so now I hope to update more often ^ ^

I leave the bases directly because I have a great hurry. There is time until 15 April.

Other interesting competitions:

* Kodansha International Competition (until July 31, 2011)

* Contest Standard international manga (until August 29, 2011)

* international comic contest Luis Molina ( until June 30, 2011)
* Album Contest (until April 23 , 2011):

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Congratulate Friend Birthday


Imagine a large tank full of fish of every color imaginable.
You're one of them as part of all, receiving the same food, the same care and swimming the same water.

see as one to one are being pulled out of the tank and thrown down the drain ...

what to do to not be your next?
Is there a way?

Aspartame Withdrawal Stomach Pain

When something just ... Confusion

The end of something is not quite bad or good, depends on the situation and the value you give him.

may seem bad the happy end of an era, something we hiciese feel alive and is come to an end. Always creates a halo of nostalgia around it makes everything you do feel sad, down to the smallest detail. Especially when it was a situation that seemed infinite, embedded into your life and it is inconceivable to live without it.

At the end there is a period of transition, anxiety, memories, sadness, out of place ...

We could save this whole process, because at the end of it always waiting for something good, not very well know what ... but it sure is a lot better than they were living and if not, look out for it to be and then not change it for anything.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Numbness On Outer Leg Above Knee

I always confused the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, not if it should be something that we get, or something that we set ourselves. I suppose it's a mixture of both.

clear as I never wanted to be my future, even if she knew she did not want it to happen and that at least helped a little. It's too hard to decide something in the meantime circus.

And I finally realized it was better not to decide anything ahead of time, because things change too fast and ultimately you repent of those decisions that end up confusing preset your future.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grey Goose Whole Sale

Walkers Several things ^ ^

there is no way that I lose this one that I caught flu, if I'm so greedy that when something does not loose rogue
Well this time the entry will be varied, the first thing I made a blog about movies , billboard and all that, some you will remember that I once had one and that for various reasons mainly health I had to close. But this time I will take care and keep you very up to date, and what happened to my problem, thank God.
This is the blog if anyone cares to see what's in the movies every week ^ ^:

Ah well I've changed the header, I think I'm being tested not is the finish but if it will change something little.

Again thank you very much everyone for voting in the poll ^ - ^ good to see if I miss already this flu and I look for more contests. Meanwhile
I leave here some links to contests currently but remember that in the last post there are more competitions, will update soon collected all not to kill yourselves looking all over the blog:

* Kodansha International Competition (until 31 July 2011 )

* Standard International Manga Competition (until August 29, 2011)

* international comic contest Luis Molina (until June 30, 2011) / 2010/12/iv-certamen-internacional-de-comic-luis.html