Saturday, March 26, 2011

Computer Fans Exhaust Grow

Part Two (and there will be a third) Various forms of publishing

These days more people have written me asking for advice of heart thank you very much, I'm getting stuff that is because I have lived and others that have happened to people close to me. I do not know all that but I will ofcourse jeej but if anything a little help you guide someone is something that makes me very happy. Thank you very much for following the blog and for being there. A big kiss to tod @ s .

There will be third for the next post ^ ^

; Alleged Agencies, Publishers and people who ask for much in return for little or nothing.
Well here are some more of advice, this in particular is something I've learned over time. That
you write an editorial, or similar Agency asking for a job is always something that excites us. It should be a little careful because sometimes it is difficult to distinguish if it is serious or someone will make you lose time for nothing. Before illusions is good to stop and think a while and lo and behold some of advice:

1 ° Note that not a shell company, osea visit their website and if you do not know Ask him the address, because today is not normal to have no one.

2 ยบ Once you enter to your website or blog etc look at your Page Rank from this page for example, is the one I always use ^ ^:
; The Page Rank measures the success that you have a website or blog, if it gets a lot of people and is linked to more sites or if you left and did not know or your grandmother. I mean, if the P Rank age is 0 and you know that company's website is new because there is no doubt, it is normal if you have a few months has 0 but is 1 year onwards and has 0 is that thing is not going well, normal for a company is a minimum of 2 or 3
conclusion that if the web the company has more than one year and Page Rank is 0 or 1 there is reason to be suspicious and you can end up working for free or nearly free for what would need to know more about this company, that's my advice, do not judge but if you study more.

3 ° It is always good to ask for some forum or you can about this company where you write in or put your name in the search and to see what comes out, as views are great and that's great and you can still find bad reviews if the company has a bad reputation is to be careful.

Well this is just a few of advice to try to avoid falling into deception because it is something that hurts a lot and unfortunately and Now in times of crisis many people take advantage.
In a few days but the third part


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