Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Aspartame Withdrawal Stomach Pain

When something just ... Confusion

The end of something is not quite bad or good, depends on the situation and the value you give him.

may seem bad the happy end of an era, something we hiciese feel alive and is come to an end. Always creates a halo of nostalgia around it makes everything you do feel sad, down to the smallest detail. Especially when it was a situation that seemed infinite, embedded into your life and it is inconceivable to live without it.

At the end there is a period of transition, anxiety, memories, sadness, out of place ...

We could save this whole process, because at the end of it always waiting for something good, not very well know what ... but it sure is a lot better than they were living and if not, look out for it to be and then not change it for anything.


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