Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jt Tac 5 Paintball Gun Manual

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy 2010!, As I will take advantage and stay off it to wish you the best this year coming through very topical as it sounds, you enjoy tonight, you enjoy this new year and most importantly ENJOY LIFE to thank my people, those people who have been part of me in this year and that people who have contributed something to my life these past 12 months, all you that made me learn, like, understand, smile, cry, yell, ria and more importantly FEEL ME LIVE
thanks ...

Javier Espinosa Parra
Psdt: Beware of grapes! J

avier TM end2009 .

Friday, December 25, 2009

Installing A Steel Bath

"Merry Christmas? Melancholy

really do not know if could discribir as such, at least this year I do not feel well and is very strange, different as they come Christmas, Christmas to look a day over a lifetime ... a typical day camouflaged a certain hypocrisy and true love at some points, too strange mix that makes ME EXPLODE.
A Christmas Eve that nothing lives up to its name, a night full of sadness and darkness for me, a bored and lonely night when all I wanted was to see nothing but my thoughts, my internal conflicts and memories and of course, my future projects by the time incoformismo ... But hey many years I have left if we are lucky, many years ahead in which the holidays can be as I want and with whoever I want in the place you choose it? And no Christmas today, more of the same food in my pajamas at 4 pm, a long shower, a bit of reading and of course my great love "internet" ... And I'm just over here with a run-run in my head that never stops plotting things, imagining nonexistent moments and moments that survived recoder me as if they had spent a few minutes ago ... not much else to say or maybe, something must be kept inside and that I am extremely outdoors! but good in the background you like or at least entrtiene you not? lol and if not for nothing take the air out laughing smile even for reading my nonsense and internal battles and enjoy life to the fullest!

"Merry Christmas?


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Catchy Titles For Animal Abuse


I think I used that word in other entries ... but as if it were a boomerang back to me, after a weekend in Seville UNFORGETTABLE AMIGOS (Badajoz, many people, Sevilla, friends, metro, Cathedral, Giralda, hood, shopping, meeting with you, triana bridge, long long walk, Torre del Oro, Plaza of Spain, Nervión, farewell dinner, sleep, that m onths, English style, food, relax, farewell, Badajoz) summarizing it? haha and nothing after that adrenaline rush / joy comes great downward slope, kick the feeling that goes haunted for me from several days before, but at least this trip has given me the chance to unwind by day and a half .. . This feeling that creates a "run-run" in your head that keeps you up to not let you smile ... the run-round run that by me without knowing why, perhaps because of an accumulation of things, perhaps for reasons that even I know ... I need to cry without knowing that I need to run not knowing where ... What need? I do not know! perhaps some day be able to resolve the reason for this, because of my inner feelings that make me feel tied, stopped freedom, uncertain ... Perhaps behind this facade you see there is another world to know, talk is easy ... prove very difficult


Friday, November 27, 2009

Hooking Lights On Go Cart

Bad Romance. Operation

A bad romance is what it seems that surrounds me! a bad romance but continuous and exhausting
not abandon me nor the least! a "Bad Romance" that makes me stronger and stronger and what is best TO LEARN at once! things are going well or bad I do not know
but leave what is important ... Mil future projects and thoughts of how it would be ... yes, this is the update of dreams, what I want and I can not, is the update of my feeling. The music about to break down the walls of my room in my small refujio, my little world, focused as they usually call me ... not a mixture of irony, rage, madness, and happiness? weird right? My opinion is the same! lol but it just is what it is ... so that you realize how you can be the thing right now is playing "La Macarena" lol do not worry it's not what I usually listen to, just tell him (Play all) ... and just over the studies seem that are going well and the results of this evaluation with a little luck will be fully POSITIVE ... Mixture of ideas and concepts SI! is what we play today, but perhaps not good to keep a bit of resignation by myself or not as himself ... Maybe, maybe ... maybe it's my great nonconformity to not get what I get if IT

    I want your ugly  
I want your disease
Everything I want your
As long as STI free
I want your love
I want your love

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Things To Do On Your 9 Months Anniversary

, influenza (seasonal), shivering and discomfort!

What title more rare to begin an entry right? And on top after so long without coming to the worlds ... first tell you (Who you are interested) I'd love to tell my stories several times a week and have a little more each day but September, the start of classes, catch up, etc ... I think that says it all ... Now I want to clarify a little because of this title. First and most importantly for me at this moment of doubt ... in a few hours if I decide on surgery or not, for those not caught on because everything is due to a miserable beings grace wanders n for our streets and are cracking and eating eardrums as the pipes ... If the punishment of mankind, certainly for me, that certain spots, because they have no other description, be truncated lives, dreams and even the safety of oneself ... but as they say throw that phrase is used both for explanation conformist "that's life."
now speak of this flu that has taken over my last couple of days and that for a moment gave me a truce in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth that allows me to be sitting here, staring at the screen ... if everything comes together, but only times I think they are even coming to doubt if my room is a pharmacy or really my own shelter as I call this place where I spend so much time unbelievably, either through the computer, my phone or just MI. A bit of strain and stress due to loss of class and I have to catch up quickly, if my body starts to allow me to pass no bill, and feel stress in a way, my freedom a little betada due to these microscopic creatures that have used my body as a home, but hopefully drive these squatters soon! and no mine no more readers to comment and tell except the bridge waiting for me put in this beautiful library that nice looking pacense textbook called English language and literature that I have to get into head as my own laws and that next Thursday, October 12 I bet! so here just for today and until soon!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Much Does Ceragem Cost

200km from my hometown nostalgia resurfaces ...

As well the title says I am not in Bangkok, if not a small village 200km north of Cáceres Extremadura ... I have been here several days, resting and going on family this bridge some Extremadura have done for our day. The only goal that was as I had been told to rest and reflect before the routine hustle back to my life ... And perhaps you thinking too much, no! But within hours of returning home a nostalgic feeling has overwhelmed me completely over me. Lovers, friends, studies, etc ... range where it was "lol" and not all esque as we would like ... I consider myself a pretty independent person but also very dependent emotionally, I love those typical American films in which love is the clear winner, those books that tell stories of summer and these old men sitting in front of their austere home in a rather lost our lands, keeping their love after so many years ... But American films are not movies more than that, and most of the books, any more than science fiction ... the only truth, this pair of old men ... I have wanted to to talk a "Te Quiero" or even further ... to say "I love you" , but I still wait, I'm of those who thinks that a person wandering the world where you belong, that everyone has someone but you need to know to find and find you. .. and no much to say, I rest a little before two peak travel hours and I hope so here,'ll be good!

I leave the video of rihanna "I love you" and give Extremadura imno sung by Soraya.



Friday, August 28, 2009

How To Install Age Of Empires 3 Daemon Tools

Go to Lisbon!

... And the holidays come to an end, I would seize every minute and every moment as the most precious moment ... I will not live more "summer dreams" until next year and even worse, I'll never live the summer of 2009 than in less than the blink of an eye shall be in complete oblivion as a simple reminder that not more than that a memory ... Within hours
I address Lisbon, Portuguese territory in which I intend to spend the last week of August to better remember (Since other Na I can not remember!)
Beach, sun, cosmopolis, CC largest in Europe and all this with a great company such as my hermo and my sister. Not really much to say because I go to get some rest so I expected a long journey haha \u200b\u200bNO ... August

Enjoy! Enjoy yourselves ...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ap Biology Lab 8 Population Genetics Packet

inserting them into the media!

As ye have read, this afternoon gave the "big" leap to the media, particularly radio, with a requested song (I will walk Soraya) and a single message people ... despite what that we come over to fight for our dreams, without giving much less without abandolarlos. ( A breakthrough).

more things to tell! Too long without updating, so try to gradually resume a regular activity in these worlds and try to keep you informed haha \u200b\u200ba bit of everything to those that interests clear. Month relax, July ... Parties, outings, and as no beach! Gradually retake that odiadia routine as little time and come September (the month of madness) and is preparing to go enjoy what's left of summer TO BE HAPPY!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Porches For Travel Trailer

4:19 am ... Confusion

Clock chimes "tic-tac" the needle to move forward, the latter do not stop running do not stop the minute to have something as indescribable as the time ... What better way to start ... And I understand why. Right now in my head there is no confusion that all this interspersed with what we call believes that "heart" is like a big cross in a big city with traffic jams and cars coming and going, a situation one can see but which is not can take nothing concrete, that's how I feel right now, without knowing what they really think, and I want to ... I am, I wake up, I'm lying in bed, I look out the window, I see the stars I turn briefly to sit, watch the computer screen as if I were to say something and continued to write ... My head will not stop, nor the biggest distraction of the world and with absolute peace of mind that comes before him ... round, round and round with mixed feelings, sadness, nostalgia to which we add more fear and paranoia ... a cocktail that is priceless ... I still think that no words in our dictionary and truth esque None to describe in some now my moods or simply feelings that arise from the deepest part of me without me realizing it ... Do you sometimes do not feel like screaming, wanting to be free and to prevent any person who walked the land shall manage the least? I do siemrpe continuously but as all this there is something to add impotence accumulated a bag fills slowly (I already spent a few full) love, friendship, love, insecurities, people miss (as dige many things, many cars of different colors and patterns on the cross ...)
Not much else to say ...


Psdt: LMA thank you for being by my side

4:49 am.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dropped My Dog And He

For all that we have ...

... to spend together, time and thousands of things that still lie ahead ...

One day you leave Gran Canaria , a melancholy that invades me ... mixed with nostalgia and a continual fear ... on his way to Madrid just over a month and a half mounted on a Talgo I thought ... I find these typical silly ... I was wrong and much also found people with a heart inmenso con una forma de ser inigualable y con una sensatez que pocas veces había visto... y nada aquello se acabó ( Como todo lo que empiza ) y yo dije una frase que pensaba cumplir me costase lo que me costase... "Esos caretos los pienso ver más veces" y con un hasta pronto me despedí... Y así fue, allí en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria me encontré despues de ese tiempo de esa corta pero a la vez larga espera... viendo caras que las identificaba como si fueran de toda la vida ... los días han ido pasando a cada cual mejor, siempre con una perfecta compañía la de esos canaries have done everything and more to make us feel at home, and that struck me most of all that we were living was good roll, nor bad gestures and bad sides, a general welfare There are few times in a coexistence and more people in this age ... But such people so ... about to leave with tears in my eyes and with a background music that describes my feelings better than I could do it ... I remember that week goes through my head over and over again as if it were a movie, and I think empizan words left over so back has to say a SOON , and ask a small favor ... much it costs the least say to us that this is not cool ... for all this created, all these feelings that will not fly through the air to more distant ignored ... and certainly and clearly pronounce two words ...

I want ...


Sunday, May 24, 2009

What To Do For An 8 Month Old With Chest Cough

Nostalgia, melancholy and stress ... Sixteen

That title more rare to start a blog right ...? But I think that is a mixture strange feelings that now roam my body. Weeks where the sun does not shine my skin or a poor second, in my view no will hit beyond the wall of my room, a cluster of situations sometimes makes ... explode! Well That's Life! as they say, although I must admit I hate enough to use that expression because it is as if you settle for what is, without thinking that things could be otherwise ... Sometimes I am a bit maverick, but people haha. .. NOBODY IS PERFECT The hours pass, days pass and my most faithful friend is being textbooks, afraid to say so but all they would need to sleep with me ...

Two weeks I was in Madrid two weeks when I stopped watching "those fronted" two weeks in the memory of all those little people is present every second, but I have good news for me and I think for people who will touch this topic somewhere ... We're going to Gran Canaria (Las Palmas) a week without parents and many, many times to come: D Other goals for this summer is expected to pass as clean as possible of course, to visit Madrid again and spend the weekend with little people, going to Paris which is in project and make a trip to another LMA my

Psdt: murphy's law was not met, the pizza fell face up

feel that today's text is not extremely deep but my brain is too saturao and inspiration is my strong today.

Monday, May 4, 2009

How To Get Internet With At&t On Sidekick Lx 2009

are 16!

Nothing little people, not like starting the truth is not a day of extreme inspiration
not non-existent ... But the chance it deserves some words?
16 years ago my mother ran away at about 4,
morning of the mother road having to go down the stairs because of the huge storm that had
(Venia I, normal) and nothing at 8 am Javier Espinosa Parra said hello to everyone! with a great cry and here I am 16 years later with many, many times and situations Experience "behind me and others that I have left to live ... time passes quickly, but we realize ... is not tangible gets out of hand without really appreciate how valuable it is a minute, a single second ... Two years old to achieve that desired age of majority to win so to say that "freedom" that both desire and nothing is a day I think to thank all those people that I making you feel a little more special than the rest who remembered me in this great day ... About love ... haha that big issue, another year passes and another year to get "only" to this day ... People who stay on the path others follow me ... lovingly delivered so little return but so is life a tragín of comings and goings of chaos and calm at once mixed with excitement and happiness ... Special people who make more bearable this hard every day, you allude to survive in this great jungle called Earth ...

and not much else to say THANK y. .. Sixteen
are 16!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bugatti W16 Engine How It Works

Chaos, anguish and mental confusion dish served cold!

Hello! I empizo to engage in these new worlds blogger (That sounded geek at that) And just to tell you about that if I am in a state of HARMONY , somewhat disturbed but can be considered as such .. . but calm, not for long! ...
More and more responsibilities on my back, I have burned school, post-holiday syndrome and a few more gifts and so on ... All these things complement one of my wonderful days in which no time to think about the dream you have, as far that hurts the throat, wish certain things to a teacher than another, and also if possible to carry out this task so much we love STUDY (For cortitos of mind a great irony!) and ENT nothing tomorrow, see how I go that perforation of the eardrum and tell you that my next post I will talk about that world so familiar yet strange far away ... yes yes this world ... was? ah yes! LOVE ... One of the mainstays of life in my opinion, so all people. Until the next day!
